Our church started as a church plant that was sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Alta Loma, Texas. The mission started with seventeen members in E.E. Morgan’s barbershop on October 7, 1945. Charles Baty served as the first pastor.
The mission was later organized October 10, 1948 as First Baptist Church of Arcadia. The name was changed to Arcadia First Baptist Church. A naval blimp base building was purchased in October 1947 and moved to Hwy. 6 and Jackson Street.
On October 23, 1955, the first new auditorium was completed and dedicated. On January 29, 1958, the church purchased 5.2 acres of land located at 14828 Hwy. 6 in Arcadia, Texas.
In October 1961, this building was moved to the current location and the property at Jackson Street and Hwy. 6 was sold. On July 29, 1962 the new auditorium was dedicated.
In 1973, after some of the building was destroyed by fire, the church entered a “Together We Build” campaign to build a new metal building in March of that year. In October 1975, the church moved into the new building with educational classes and a fellowship hall.
In September 1978, the breezeway was enclosed and the auditorium was remodeled. On March 1, 1987 the debt on the parsonage, auditorium, and original education building was paid off.
On June 1, 1997 the church broke ground on a new auditorium and a “United We Build” campaign was started. In June 1998, the new building was completed and dedicated. In March 1999, the church purchased 10 acres of land adjacent to the church from Santa Fe Iglesia, who later became a mission of the church and constructed a new building on three acres next to the church in 2010.
March 2011, the church voted to build a Christian Life Center, doubling the church’s space. April 2011, the church broke ground on the project. It was completed and dedicated October 2012. The church celebrated its 65th Anniversary in October 2013, with nine pastors having served.

Fall 2011, the church elected to begin the Arcadia First Baptist Christian School. August 2012, the K-6th grade school began with 18 students. As of 2019, the church celebrated 70 years with 10 pastors having served.